3 setmanes / 3 weeks

    " If you take care of the moments, the years will take care of themselves". 

English version below

I ja són 3 setmanes.
I com sempre el temps passa massa ràpid i, tot i que gairebé em queden dos mesos de viatge, ja començo a sentir que em falta el temps, que se m'escola.
Molts ja coneixeu el plaer de viatjar sols, però suposo que sou els mateixos que com jo seguiu escoltant les mateixes preguntes.
Admeto que abans de marxar em van assaltar els dubtes i les pors. Estava boja marxant totalment sola a l'altra punta de món? Intentava recordar l'experiència de l'any passat i llegir el testimoni de tants altres viatgers que havien marxat sols.
Admeto que quan vaig arribar al destí tots els dubtes van desaparèixer.
Sovint em pregunteu si no em sento sola, pot ser us sorprendrà saber que m'agrada estar sola. Que, de fet, hi ha dies que em separo de tota la gent que he conegut aquí i decideixo estar completament sola.
Altres dies m'estiro al llit i em sento sola. Però són pocs dies. I són en aquests dies que em pregunto si hi ha alguna cosa en mi que no funciona. Per què aquesta necessitat de marxar quan tinc tot el que podria desitjar? Si  tinc una família que m'estima i a la que estimo, els millors amics, un país fascinant.
En aquests últims mesos he sigut més conscient que mai de la meva sort. A vegades em sento tant afortunada que m'espanta, en algun moment la meva sort caducarà o hauré de pagar per ella.

El temps adquireix una altra dimensió quan viatjo. En tots els sentits. Els dies passen més ràpid, però les hores perden la seva importància habitual. No hi ha horaris. 3h de bus? Un trajecte curt. 5h caminant? Un paisatge increïble.
Suposo que el normal seria explicar el que he vist, menjat, escoltat i fotografiat. Però suposo que axiò ja us ho puc explicar més endavant.


So it's been 3 weeks. (Almost)
And like always time goes by too fast and although I still almost have two more months, I strt to feel I don't have enough time.
Many of you already know the pleasure of solo travelling, but I guess you're the same people that keep hearing (like me) the same questions.
I admit that before leaving my own doubts and fears tried to bring me down. Was I crazy leaving completely alone to the other side of the planet? I tried to remember last year's experience and the read the story of other travelers that had gone solo.
I admit that all those fears disappeared the minute I got here.
Often I get asked if I feel lonely, it may surprise you to know that I love being alone. That, in fact, there are days in which I separate from all the people I've met here and I spend the day with my own company.
Some other days I lay down in bed and I feel lonely. But these days are not common. However it's in these lonely days that I can't help but wonder if there is something broken in me. Why do I have this need to go away when I have everything I could wish for? A family that loves me and I love, the best friends, a fascinating country.
These last months I've been more aware than ever before of my luck. Sometimes I feel so lucky I get scared, at some point my luck will end or I'll have to pay for it.

Time acquires a new dimension when I travel. In every sense. Days go by faster but hours loose their usual importance. There is no schedule. A 3h bus ride? A short journey. 5h walking? An incredible landscape.
I guess the normal would be for me to tell you what I've seen, eaten, heard and taken pictures of. But I guess I can tell you about that later.


  1. Doubts and fears will always be there, no matter when or what you're up to, but the good thing of these is the challenge they present to our own minds. Am I capable of...? Will I be ok when...? Deep down, the truth is that you don't know until you've made the jump, and once you've made it... Boy, you're halfaway there.

    Ja saps qui sóc. Quan et cansis de la calor a l'Emerald Isle tens un lloc on caure ;)


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