14 km
Look at all these borders foaming at the mouth with bodies broken and desperate...
English version below
No sabia per on començar.
De nou em trobo en una part del planeta que em torna a fer dubtar sobre tot i no sé com començar a ordenar-me.
Quan em pregunten què faig aquí contesto que treballo amb migrants. Però és que jo no veig "migrants", els veig a ells. Quan penses en el migrant, en qui penses? Perquè jo de sobte he deixat de tenir una imatge sense rostre ni història, a tenir centenars de mirades que expliquen centenars d'històries.
Imagina que quan llegeixes que s'ha enfonsat una altra patera, no veus la fotografia d'arxiu però el rostre de la persona amb la que parlaves ahir. Imagina que quan et diuen que no tenen passaport, tu ho marques amb una creueta en el dòssier que tens davant, però ella veu el camió en el que viatjava.
Imagina que mires el perfil de la costa a l'altra banda de 14 km d'aigua.
I ara et mires les mans, aixeques els ulls i em preguntes sense paraules si pots explicar-m'ho.
I didn't know where to start.
Again I find myself in a part of the planet that makes me question everything I thought I knew, and I don't know how to rearrange myself.
When I get asked what I do here, I answer I work with migrants. But I don't see "migrants", I see them. When you think about the migrant, who do you think of? Because suddenly I've gone from thinking of a faceless image without a story, to having a hundred eyes with a hundred stories to choose from.
Imagine that when you read another boat has sunk, you don't see the stock image but the face of the person you were talking to the day before. Imagine that when they tell you they don't have a passport, you mark it with an X on the dossier in front of you, but they see the truck they were traveling in.
Imagine you watch the coast's profile on the other side of 14 km of water.
And now you look at your hands, raise your eyes and ask without words if you can tell me about it.
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